
http://www.beatsbydrinus.com night of utter dark

Know how much, many brotherses walk to walk, drop down, pit inside whole is sharp wood rod or weapon, we get brothers the bottom go to and then ascend not to come."Gao Xian Leng, snare?His mama of, no wonder that didn't make a camisado for these two days, originally dig a pit go to.Clearly know Zhang Yan affirmation is slowly to procrastinate to ownly march speed, also have to touch walk before going toward:"The herald bottom goes, the soldier slowly explores the way before the life, another parties the left soldier front Be twists about to fish for, the battalion remained on standby at first first."This day, have already done not walk to two hours, and then come to a stop.
The soldier touches clear 7788 pits of road segments before waiting, the battalion sets out again, and then has already led two many hours.Could not walk again ten inside road, and then run into snare, again touch, again fill, like, arrive at the time that night condescended to come, battalion just walk not arrive 20 inside road.Hope the night of utter darkness, Gao Xian's being also understand doesn't dare the road of walking the night, before don't know how much pit, have to issue order bivouac.The Yuan soldier complaints are heard everywhere ground starts camping out preparation, they have already been dragged along of Be getting more exhausted, now, since the black mountain soldier dig a pit in the distance, that we can also good good sleeping.
This just doesn't arrive midnight and hope to sleep before fixing attention on dead atmosphere Yuan camp, the black mountain soldier touching come over smiled to turn over a sky in belly.In fact in addition to the first snare, other places are also a decoration, for consuming the spirit of Yuan soldier.Hence, the high Xian in the sleeping again drive enemy set of the voice wake up with a start.Gao Xian Hei climbing the face looking at at present situation:The fire of several tens tent wears breeze to certainly burn the Mao Pa make to ring, full army camps are all left to flee right the non-commissioned officer jumping is running about aimlessly.Is pressing a many hours, the whole army camp just settles quiet 1:00.Once called to be partial to in the future cautiously inquire, be partial to wry smile:"If there are, many thief's soldiers that touched come ins , after killing many brotherses, put the tent of on fire near 30%.The our army dies or injures about 2,000 people.This still a since night of brothers discover set fire of enemy, halloo just wake up with a start public, otherwise ……"the heads of high Xian all want to spilt open, harassment war like this, he can really have no way to deal with and sigh to make everyone put away final phase and continue to take a rest, tomorrow walks faster early in the morning, certainly, the guard also has to be fortified.
Gao Xian returned to continue to sleep, the Yuan soldier passed by this to toss about, more tired, think enemy's tonight makes enough, also all sleep.Distance, looking at to gradually pipe down of Yuan soldier big camp, white together the Wu wear a mouth to secretly enjoy and direct 3,000 brotherses and slowly closed to army camp.Time, sentinel not and in a short while, patrol party Zhang, the black mountain soldier every where spreading out continued dry homicide plot to go.
The white together drilled into the tent of tube Hai by himself/herself and pushed awake tube Hai, drive noisy come to of once the tube Hai see is him, don't live ground silently voice to put blame on:"You do yours, noisy I dry what?Still dislike this how many days do I sleep manily?"The white together rushes toward Chi a smile:"Seek you to have an important affair, made you make last time have the thing been already made?"
Take care of Hai to smile:"This thing like lane, attend early a hand, absolutely true guy, just this way is so tiring, you take to go and walk quickly, and I am going to bed."Say, from the body the bottom takes out a packet to bind to pass to the white together.The white together answered in the past, the Hey Hey smiled:"Do not put blame on me, this is the idea of military adviser's.I come to also need to tell you, military adviser says to make you a little bit awake, don't throw life in the disorderly soldier."
Take care of Hai Leng Leng:"Where come military adviser?This of sufficient Sun."The white together smiles:"Do not know, this military adviser suddenly comes of, open widely general disallow we find out his background, the appearances have never seen clear to lead, however, the person really has skill.To, the military adviser makes me turn to tell you, let you protect Gao Xian as far as possible in the disorderly soldier deathless, he also says, hereafter need you of time, will send his servant to contact with you, also say, his servant your understanding, call Qin Yong."
Took care of Hai to jump, the ground of Leng Leng looking at white together, the Wu wore a mouth to sit to return to:"Sky, unexpectedly is ……Hey Hey, good brothers, you return to take a words for military adviser, say the old tube of An is pretty obedient, make him rest assured, he says of, the Ans will go to and do well.To, just I can have nothing at all say, you return to to blather words."
White together Yi 1:"Do you know a military adviser?See the appearance that you fear him very much, said for brothers."Take care of Hai one plank face:"What frightened?You don't want to blather.The military adviser is a fierce person, I can't tell you what of, not the finds out of don't ask indiscriminately.The time is getting more late, you walk quickly and let me sleep more meeting son."Together the white Pie wore a mouth to go out.
Have no much for a long time, the Yuan soldier big camp again rang out soldier in the article of death front of bellow a voice, the whole big camp is immediately again an one the enemy inherit of report to the police a voice.Hope and burn several tents, "absolutely is ……divided too much, the trickery doesn't change, the trickery doesn't change!"Enemy of go to but reply the high Xian of returning the spirit in a thundering rage, hurtling to ownly be partial to will loudly roar:"Said and strengthen a guard, strengthen a guard, all of you were a stem what eat?Incredibly a twice eat same Kui in the evening?All roll, each the horse that get a group of personses ambushes in the camp Zhai on all sides and catches them, I want will it the ground corpse is ten thousand, Zhang Yan , I am sworn enemies with you!"
Gao Xian's under charge is respectively many to be tired and tired,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, looking at commander-in-chief, this appearance and is frightened, have to in response to the life but goes.The nature didn't occupy this night, spirit of the high Xian that could not sleep haded been sitting till early dawn.Take care of Hai along with close soldier's armed escort of high Xian after the camp outside turned leisurely 2 turns, seek a place for taking shelter from the wind to continue go to bed, he just not so silly, clearly know to can't occupy again at the mid-night today, also don't hold firmly time to go to bed?
The color of the sky big bright empress, Yuan soldier almost the everyone Be black to fix attention on a turn, the facial expressions are all exhausted to arrive extremity.This person is what meat livings, not what iron beats, don't eat hungry get panic, didn't sleep for several days ……have never waited Gao Xian to issue order to start to strike camp Zhai, the patrol hurtled to come in:"Report adult, our army food the grass be burned, the impedimenta is robbed."
Gao Xian Guo just respond to come over very in a short while:"You, what do you say?"Patrol, repeat 1 time:"Transporting food of our army behind the brigade be made a surprise attack, the food grass is burned, and the impedimenta is robbed, transported food a brigade to die to be close to half of people."
Gao Xian Tiao get up:"Where comer horse?How can at we after death ……"that patrol swallowed saliva:"Report adult, BE, is a black mountain soldier."
"Zhang Yan is again Zhang Yan , I wanted to live to shell you."Gao Xian Tiao's feet that neglect image lambaste.Vent an after, Gao Xian calmed down down, wanted to think and once called patrol:"Do you make sure to is a black mountain soldier?How many persons' horses?"
The patrol nods:"Is small of assurance, what they teed off is the signal of black mountain soldier.We also found out, after robbing impedimenta, this troops went to the forest Yi.The number should be many, the brothers being assaulted says, at least near myriad people."In fact have no so many people, only have 6,000, also cent head activity of.However is a night to assault, the vehemence makes big, beat to transport food a brigade a caught unprepared, after killing 2,000 people, took military payroll supplies to run.
"Near myriad people?Black mountain soldier?H'm, other small troopses don't have no so big scale as well, courage also can't so big.Near myriad people?A few days ago, Ju Gu says that he also wants to send army a pot of pass, Zhang Yan wants to guard a pot of pass and also needs to divide a soldier to assault my rear and robs impedimenta, that is in the troops that I before make ghost, how much can person's horse also have?Hum, no wonder that don't dare to wear Dou clearly with me."Thought it over these, Gao Xian right away descend reach an order:The soldier issues on order and orderanies 5,000 to ride a soldier to quickly return to body after sending a person to arrive, along the road tour, the black mountain soldier dares again come to rob food grass military payroll, certainly want to thoroughly exterminate;Send a person again more mountain contact Ju Gu, ask him of where did the troops arrive;Send a person again rapid close city to the pot, spreading him will make and call a pot of pass city to around halt a soldier and start out together and round a Jiao at present black mountain thief from the both sides with him;Be divided into 3 brigades of battalions again, by turn march, patrol sooner or later, tight defend, can not make this black mountain again thief sneak attack successful.Being many will receive orders but go to.Certainly, this arrangement soon arrived Zhang Yan Shou through a special path.
Listen to the arrangement of high Xian, Zhang Yan roars with laughter:"Indeed as expected such as military adviser talk, hum, Gao Xian, we play of time in the behind.Give me the herald, let the battalion quickly spread out, avert from surroundings to guard a soldier, rapid close in the pot city with south ten inside the place gather.White together, you take 300 brotherses and take Related articles:

