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The deep idea of back but aroused the Pacific Ocean of his attention-now in addition to"navy in the world" England outside, only have China and the United States two, the navy in nowadays' ranking has already Central America started explaining of some"problem"s.
Four year agos of autumn, an assassin's bullet ended William's•The wheat gold comes of life, make have already been chosen for the western Ao of the deputy president many•sRoosevelt's becoming the United States currently is youngly most a president-he only has now 42 years old.Tan Yan also is careless of Roosevelt's age, talk about him to understand to little Roosevelt a little bit more, as for now of the old his understand of Roosevelt is only limited by in the middle of the history textbook him to American earlier period the navy's influence.
West Ao many•sRoosevelt appears the view that postpones at Tan in is also very accidentally.Seven wars in the year ago western America of be at that time still American navy department vice minister Roosevelt halted Chinese consul to give Ni through the United States to negotiate the United States to fix the whole affair in Chinese gum state gulf touch and go-at that time although Roosevelt was a department vice minister of navy,John's minister offer illness as excuse over a long period of time at that time, and wheat gold come also uninterested navy, the whole American navy all under Roosevelt's control.
BE more opposite than Tan Yan's this half to tell "navy expert" of house, Roosevelt is the navy expert of a tunnel, he at at the age of 24 published 《1812 navy's war 》 .This book has already become the required course of American navy's college.But to Tan Yan.More terrible is Roosevelt and American navy colonel Ma Han is very an intimate friend, they are in 13 year agos because an academic lecture to navy but understanding, when Ma Han just published 《sea strength to history ground influence 》 one book, Roosevelt then announced glow with enthusiasm book review on 《Pacific Ocean monthly publication 》 by civilian post correspondent ground identity.
"The United States needs one navy of paying strongly, have to not only have cruiser, but also have to also have one large numbers of wars row that can match with any other nation the warship."Like this does Roosevelt say.However he didn't thought of that China of Pacific Ocean opposite also has a have larger greed than him of go together just at darkly in headway, almost and historically and strangely fits, a bullet ended wheat gold come of the life make Roosevelt walk ascend American president's throne.Almost Tan Yan also suddenly peeps out him at the same time ferocious face a night of the ruler that overthrows to settle government to become new China.Both all immediately start a huge development of scale after appearing on stage navy plan.
The United States has opposite advanced deep industrial real strenght and want than China at least strong get many.But the congress of the United States will help Tan to postpone to a muzzle of this cowboy of Roosevelt, but Tan Yan can each penny resources in the utmost concentration hand the small step run to develop navy quickly-"appreciate U.S. Congress!"This is the most sincere orison in the Tan Yan's heart.Although Roosevelt's style is more sturdy, and have no Tan Yan of restriction to compare, his right with can the resourceses transfering are all too little, destine American at Central America navy contest up lost first a to raise-north ocean class war the row warship have already undergone military service Chinese navy two years, the United States till now didn't°yet a war row warship can with it mutually match in excellence.

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Seven year agos still seem to be anxious navy the minister assistant have already become the tallest administration superior of the United States now, this"Teddy Bear" of Roosevelt----Three year agos he because refuse to kill a head of bear, be drawn a cartoon volume 《Teddy Bear 》 by the Tan Yan's opportunity to hold tight, Roosevelt also has the nickname of "Teddy Bear", certainly in addition to the name of"Tai Di" of Roosevelt, this nickname pluses this insignificant affairs and makes Roosevelt have a very popular title.
Under the leadership of Teddy Bear, American navy's department has strengthened its navy's real strenght by two speed of war row warships annually since 190 years, certainly this target is impossible realization, though the northern ocean class of China fights a row warship very is stimulated Teddy Bear a , but defense budget and American now battleship design of congress construct leading long of industry to make, Teddy Bear can helplessly accept to settle a dispute actually.However Tan Yan navy resources suddenly and violently increases to 20% in nowadays from 190 years of 10% from the national defense of the United States the devotion, this proportion and navy's military expenses of China compare probably not calculate what, but can explain a problem as well.
"The American doesn't know our strategic target places, it would like to invest so big capital on the navy, we beg it not get …… in fact the battleship quality of our navy is a kind of real strenght, this real strenght is a catalyst to the United States, certainly on the battleship quality, this is about to see your se engineer's skillses ……" Tan's postponing is Mongolia formally signing a secret to construct the order of the class war row warship, to flank of total engineer Wei become the Xun and premier Be quiet to say.
"You are to say us and may the of the United States form England and arms race like that in Germany?"It is quiet to ask a way.
Tan Yan shakes to say:"At least 20 years inside Central America of absolutely isn't likely to have resisting of materiality, this isn't the problem of arms race but is a distance----Distance oneself is a kind of protection ……"
"China and the United States is separated a vastly and Pacific Ocean, but now technique development and navy's scale, even if the United States develops again for 20 years.Can build according to their original plans annually two war row warships are also useless ……the United States soon complete work of Fu Ji Ni second war row the warship can not fight a row warship to compare with the north ocean class at all.But our Mongolia the class war row warship absolutely can let all United States fight a row warship for a night of are all all dated,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, a Mongolia the class war row warship can with the top of the crest two Fu Ji the Ni is second!"The Wei becomes Xun proud of say.
Wei become the Xun really has proud capital, after Mongolia class war developing of row warship mention that the agenda comes up, China hugely builds warship system basically and surrounds Mongolia class war row warship the ground needed to carry on a series of science and technology offends a pass, steam round machine, boiler and new cannon tower, even is shoot to direct system and thermodynamic power to control system ……though is some the aspects are still very rough, but Mongolia class war row warship already mature.
Pass Mongolia a developing of the class war row warship work, after getting adding of in great quantities excellent graduate student in the related high school, related science and technology talented person's troops' science and technology offended pass real strenght to also have to obviously promote, this is Tan Yan now most for think greatly of ground.Mongolia class head batch constructs 1.Although the amount is few, navy's department also mostly has a tiny phrase,is a decision maker Tan Yan to think this to have been all right already.Two greatest designs hospital the research target from now on in addition to traditionally large main battleship, also starts paying attention to "light quantity type" battle warship of 2,000 ton classes, and also starts carrying on a technique to store-former warship system in building of China almost develop its extreme limit strength.In hand and up have already used everything up, but along with the demand of strategic target.After"build warship high peak", will walk the road of a "exquisite article".
Is Chinese young generation science and technology Jiao Jiao within personnel, Wei become Xun of just can not only embody in designing battleship, for situation development relationship with the navy's also very explicit, can say that he is a cake of in"make navy" currently in can realize the person of Tan Yan's intention most .Sometimes Tan Yan even feels that the Wei becomes Xun completely admissible navy staff officer department, this guy doesn't understand to fight, but is very sharply and obviously "a particularly many abilities" in the strategic last taste.
"The Wei total engineer says very correctly.England and Germanly the distance really was too near.They are to lead long one hair but move whole body, not only these 2s move.Its ally also wants to follow a line to move, Europe has already obviously divided into the trend of two greatest camps ……we and the United States although it is said is hope ocean it separate, but even if again how develop, we all aren't likely to threaten the other party, some over-sensitive of American, they like Sa greatly chase of silver return navy up, however forgive my someone Tan not to keep company with ……"Tan Yan say with a smile.
The quiet wry smile says:"I know to set up now Related articles:

