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In the heart, lord Mr. is a hero like this.Son cloud can follow a lord Mr., let world common people afresh lead up quiet and peaceful, the life of Ping-ho, the this present life foot is also."
If everyone listens to me, suspicion know perfectly well a way to a little bit flatter, can be still vibrated by the meaning in the words, the momentary surroundings is one calmness.Cao's holding is also lowering the head to consider the meaning in my words and led in a short while, the Cao held a square to say:"Zi Yun says of to.Hold to have no you say so goodly, however, I will do utmost.Have you is holding nearby, I believe, we can end chaotic and resume pure and peaceful."Everyone noded.
I looking at Lyu Bu:"Wen Hou, the life like this is just interesting, just someone livings of target, you say BE?"Lyu Bu noded.I smile:"Zi Yun remembers that four elder brothers once said, his ideal be:The gentleman is livinged to chaotic, is to take three Chinese foot swords to sign a life time not of achievement.Four elder brothers right?"Too the history Ci smiles to nod.I immediately after say:"I feel that this is a minister tallest ideal.For us, follow behind a wise ruler with adoring oneself, advertise for a war everywhere, establishment not a life time eminent contribution, hereafter have a great achievement minister to be like to stay in the ancestral temple of country ten thousand in 1000 years, can let the posterity descendant admire, that is the best life career."Lyu Bu's eyes are bright to get up a while, my purpose comes to a.
The Cao held to certainly also notice Lyu Bu's facial expression, not the Cao holds, there is heart, like Xun 彧 , the Xun You, Guo Jia, Cao Ren, summer Hou 惇 , in forbid, Li Dian waits all an attention to see Lyu Bu that,cnn!The Guo Jia understand degree of heating wanted, he was a Yin to smile, some words are wanted bumptious fellow to say, appearance borrow to toast, he past Tong Tong Xu Chu, silently say:"Do you say that Lyu Bu isn't also anti-?"His voice is small, Xu Chu's voice big ah:"This, don't know.I come to ask."This guy stood up:"Lyu Wen Hou, my house's lord Mr. but the wise ruler, unlike Dong Zhuo that waits mean person."Still go, don't calculate to harm a person too much.
Become speechless at everyone, at the time that Lyu Bu blushed, the Cao held the get ready today wanted to be Lyu Bu's bosom friend of person, arrested opportune moment to talk at once:"Zhong Kang, blahs like Er,etc what?Wen Hou works from make sense.I know that your these people mostly has a misunderstanding to Wen Hou, hold but know Wen Hou not is pass on a message a medium person also!You all not know, that D at first at first also not is what good person, he once pretended to be a black mountain thief, the dozen house robbed to give up, looted wealth and properties and harmed many people.Receive first such valiant general, is he afraid to receive to seize the power first, unexpectedly use for the civilian post, was adopted father like this?Be really excessively, if being me, also wanting is anti- such of lord Mr. of, the text is far, pure Anne, does what I said rights?"Zhang Liao noded, Lyu Bu's body was one earthquake, hoped Cao to hold.
The Cao holds to satisfiedly looking at everyone all stunned speechless, steal to smile in the heart, such as this hand is quite good.He the pure throat immediately after say:"Dong Zhuo, this persons all need not I say.Receive first ah, you is up his was.In fact, Dong Zhuo also knows a person on the whole of, know to receive is a stem first will, unfortunately he has insatiable greed by himself and cause person to harm F, harm a nation.The person like this certainly damns.Received to listen to Wang Si Tu first of anti- he, you say, he is wrong right?"Is public on listenning to, really have a reason, all shake head, there are tears in Lyu Bu's eyes spend.
The Cao holds the reaction of lookinging at everyone, very satisfied, he immediately after says:"The Yuan Shao is this person to is that kind of to just invite a talented person, but doesn't give a value;Face a matter again strive for but can not make firm decision;And color the fierce Dan is thin, stem important event but cherish a body, see small benefit but forget the generation of life, basically don't match to use to receive first such of great commander of, still less he first the desire harm to receive first of, your leaving him is wise."Lyu Bu is restraining tears to sigh.
The Cao holds to immediately after smile:"As for receive first with hold for the enemy, however for existing just, it is to hold to change to make, there is opportunity like this, also want to make use of.Want to exist in the chaotic after all, especially want to take these brothers existence, don't have a foothold of how can the ground go?Receive first such hero, you depend on these mean person existence and have already discommoded you as well."
The Cao holds the sincere desire for saying, Lyu Bu is touched in a great mess, listenning to is public hold to the Cao is full face of admire.Especially Zhang Liao, Gao fluently holds to the Cao of these words emotional stirrings really feel that Cao's holding is that kind of that the good lord of mind comprehensiveness is male rather many;Is rather sweet but is to feel oneself really find out real wise ruler, connected to once almost put out own enemies to all treat thus, that treated an oneself person still not better?Those brains how not flourishing of, there is also the force to naturally don't use these brainses will, leave to admire Cao to hold a great deal of adult for.
Holds in the Cao of these strive for a private to win, the Xun 彧 returns to calculate gentleman, didn't think so many, be feel that Lyu Bu really don't also do amiss what, the Cao holds analytical of very to, so on seeing, Lyu Bu isn't an iterative mean person either, that need not worried.The Xun You, Guo Jia, distance Yu, full spoil can all understand the meaning that the Cao holds, the distance Yu was the person of old way, some facial expression had no on the face;Is full to spoil very is admire Cao to hold such expressional;Guo Jia's this ghost spirit, he looking at Lyu Bu's appearance to want to smile, the Xun You puts out strength Tong by the side of him he.
Looking at the of Lyu Bu Yi appearance that holds Cao to be benefactor, I hurriedly come over to add a fire again:"Wen Hou, son cloud has already once said, only the lord justice solves yours, how, I didn't speak amiss!So, lord Mr. originally didn't want to hurt yours, otherwise, have already can't written that to advise to decline to believe, either.Is alas, Wen Hou hereafter still leave those mean persons a little bit far, you saved this kind of person's life, they can not necessarily so will get your feeling.However, you were also true before unlucky, unexpectedly ran into this etc. mean person, like in now with we together, lord male absolutely couldn't let those mean persons hurt you again with us."I at have for Liu next, Lyu Bu was a strength head in the location.

Chapter 76 double insurance

Unification north ground article-chapter 76 double insurance
The today enticing soup infused about, the Cao held of the image is also very great, should see good and then accept.So, I am the pipa that takes through thou, say with smile:"Like, today is to hold party also, keep making these, very tiring of, let son cloud play a song.Does Wen Hou listen to and is like to be different from?However, I don't really acquaint with, you don't smile."Is public to looking at all of the musical instruments in the my hand are a Leng Leng, still the Xun 彧 sees much, he says very surprisingly:"Son cloud, the musical instrument of these Western Regions, will you be also?"I vomited a tongue:"Did not learn for several days, Hey Hey.Lord Mr. says that I go to the Hou home of Xu Zhou Wen to have ever been to of, so let I today good arrangement, let Wen Hou feels to be like a home here, but I can not chase those again song female dancer lane, has to oneself to steal to learn."Is public to listen to funnily, but Lyu Bu is to looking at Cao to hold:"Is clear male too thick to cloth, can the cloth why report?"
The Cao holds to only looking at me to smile and wishes, I when make you learn these things, is really a son ghost clever, alas!I ignore him, the tube stirs up piano Xian, adjusts modulation and played.Although I how haven't played, however cheating the great majority is fair to middling, how just looking at Guo Jia Yi hand Wu mouth, a hand Wu belly?This guy, must be usually go to song and dance shop, hum ……I still quickly end have no confidence well.Wanted to think, opened mouth to sing:"The sky floats white cloud hey, lake water is suffused with pure wave, verdant of steppe hey, flower is filled with to flutter, that is my home town;The horse is sped steppe hey, the pure flock of sheep is in the by the lake and shepherds of miss hey, sings moving song, that home town that is me."
Along with my sing, Lyu Bu's eyes obviously appeared the appearance that fog receives.Wait my voice to disappear, the Cao holds to lightly sigh:"How pretty place, is this the place that Wen Hou grows?Cool state."Lyu Bu orders a head, recollection with happy look:"Yes, my house!In childhood, rode a horse to once run steppe, looking at that steppe up open of flower, that Zhan building, that very pure river water ……"public be also been infected by him.I lightly sigh:"Unfortunately, current of cool state and Central plains similar, also very disorderly.In the chaotic, unlucky of is still a common people!Wen Hou, we must make great effort of, one day there will, the lord association takes what we take down cool state, that time, ended the cool state of turmoil, people will definitely lead best living.Really arrived that day, we let go of everything and returned to your home town with Wen Hou and see that Related articles:

