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The point stabs Cape directly toward they sting bump pass by.
Among them, a head of that bone dragon of fast fierce Long Jian unexpectedly takes no cognizance his/her own roars, return that sharp sting Cape stabbed to bump to come over toward oneself and frightenned didn't dare to roared again as well, hurriedly to part hide to go, but when it wants to evade confrontation with, before collide with since then of bone dragon, that empty double of eyes suddenly Shan together black light shoot in own body, then the body suddenly become to sink as getting up, oneself unexpectedly exceeds not to open a step, can helplessly looking at those two longed point stings to sprint their oneself's in fronts.Oneself has already canned not move out of the way that sharp sting that is good enough to make he or she stab a life again at this time, is not sent out the last Ai by ground to roar.
'Mao Chi~~'fast fierce dragon of although the skin is enough thick, the tenacity is also enough good, but cans not holds up against and turns ground of bone group leader a sharp sting, hidden at turn a bone the deathless garbage in breastbone dragon is shot with the slow gravity sorcery but can not evade confrontation with of the fast fierce dragon was immediately turned the sharp sting Cape of bone dragon to stab from the neck to wear out towards wearing, from the another head of.
And although the body figure of fast fierce dragon also has truck size, but cans not holds up against long distance to rush the speed of the turning of set of bone dragon.It be turned a bone dragon to pierce a neck empress.Again drive turn a bone Long Dai fly and turn a bone dragon direct from our in fronts once hurtled, then again crash into to round us fast fierce Long Di Shen at the another head of ground up, that peep out to to the utmost leave 1:00 of sharp sting again firm go into the body of another head of fast fierce dragon up.Behind this due to evading confrontation with to cannot compare with, and turning a bone dragon to be tiny to lift the head result very not interest the ground be directly tied head.The front is pierced the fast fierce dragon of neck haven't departed from this life, at the behind ground pour first one step hang, have no painfully and directly be turned the sharp sting Cape of bone dragon to bump firm to head but die.
"Roar~~" turns a bone dragon to shout at top of voice, two the claws lift before, the benefit claw quickly inserts a sting Cape up hang of that fast fierce Long Di's body inside, then make an effort a to tore.
The body of "~" fast fierce dragon is immediately turned bone Long Si
"呝 ~~" Turns a bone dragon.Be divided corpse more, frighten the other fast fierce dragon exclaim to flee for life on all sides.Complete advantage for having never before owned an amount of carriage, even if they still keep still having the advantage of amount now, but turn a bone dragon a chain of actions have already frightenned them to fear.Perhaps they had a period of time not to dare to close to here, and hereafter see turn a bone dragon.Affirmation will also momentary escape.
"Roar!!"Turn a bone Long Jian those fast fierce Long Fen Bu escaped and unexpectedly dashed away again and wanted to make track for shot those fast fierce dragons, although turn a bone dragon of speed unlike fast fierce Long Man, also quickly not how much, it unexpectedly spews out one huge flame of regiment in that huge dry skeleton mouth, then quickly flees up fast fierce Long Di Shen who is dashing away at the same time, drive the flame assault of fast fierce Long Xi run one severals and send out wail, then be become an ashes to see by that flame my skin of head also became numb, the attack power that turns a bone dragon is also too strong, before use and stab Cape connect kill two fast fierce dragons that nothing important, is unexpectedly just that a regiment flame still even burn fast fierce Long Di's corpses now ash, this power is also too strong.
"The deathless garbage comes back!"I immediately shout loudly 1 and let the deathless garbage control that to turn a bone dragon to stop making track for shot, although the pet of deathless garbage turns very strong inside the dragon, try to catch up with also useless, at most also kill 12 fast fierce dragons, so don't know that it when just can come back again.
"Can't, end so?Those dinosaur also too timidity, before drive eldest brother ground the Long Ling of Long Huang Yi frighten to run, now again drive that skull Long He run, also is really the dinosaur of a group of timidities."The Tyrannosaurus looking at to escape of fast fierce dragon, the full face doesn't believe a ground of Zheng big eyes.
"Escape and then escaped, anyway kill them and have no experience, also don't explode thing, and we are killed, probably also lose stripe, lose more than gain."Follow one's inclinations doesn't matter ground to say, shining on his meaning can still keep not beating not to beat and beat also white get.
"Quack~~"'s turning a bone dragon don't run how far, hear my after calling to shout, again come back, deathless garbage at this time just from turn the breastbone of bone dragon in climbed out, then towarded our quack to call, showed an oneself lately- got pet.
"Like, everyone pushes open tent afresh, deathless garbage, you are responsible for lykewake tonight."The deathless garbage is in the view of night compare in the daytime O.K., and because of their dry skeleton, the concept of basically nonexistent sleeping, so letting its night-watch lykewake is the best choice.
"Is troublesome, hope that a short while doesn't run again a group of dinosaurs cause disturbance just good."The Tyrannosaurus helplessly calls a way, however the hand up still kept taking tent to come out afresh, otherwise he will pass night in the open tonight, so the meeting is very dangerous.
The "quack~~" deathless garbage remains is the appearance that is deathless to invoke teacher combat now, although it there is no weapon on hand now, but it doesn't influence it to display to invoke Shu, after I orderanied it to keep night watch, it towards an underground of two projections are two troubles, then see a fast fierce dragon of two dry skeletons from two corpses of fast fierce dragons in climbed out,cheap beats by dre, two corpses became a heap of Fu meat,beats by dre uk.

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The text chapter 535 underground thou city(up)
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There is deathless garbage being keeping night watching, this night, we sleep very comfortablely and there is basically no monster wild beast in neighborhood and dare and come over and bother us, however at leave we aren't far of those long neck dragon and the vegetarian food dinosaurs miserably, all lift heart and drop Dan ground awake for a nights we, afraid not and die garbage of that turns a bone dragon and suddenly assaults them, although their worry to is superfluous, we can't and they collude with, so also lazy must go and explain with them, anyway early in the morning on the second day, we leave here and continue travel to starting a historic relic mainland.
"Eldest brother, see what come to have no, we are exactly placed in permafrost, that position here up?"The Tyrannosaurus sees I multiply by Long Huang declines from the air bottom, immediately become nervous ground to toward me to ask a way.
"Not know, this earth crust that takes shoulded once change, I also not know we now concretely is be placed in which position up."I shook to shake head, although I can embark Long Huang and fly to the air and watch the circumstance of the ground, that also just limited scope inside, Long Huang isn't likely to fly the space go up,dr dre beats, I can see a piece of distance, because the geography on the earth took place very big fluctuation, I basically can not see us is where the position of place now.
"That we not is get lost?Connect which none of positions know."The Tyrannosaurus is a bit missing ground of to say.
"Not necessarily, although the earth crust changes, it makes the geography change, let us can not distinguish concretely where, but the earth crust fluctuation can not change some small places, as long as we can change to some objects with a special feature, probably we can pass that to guess, we are placed in permafrost now which position up."I again shook to shake head, although in the sky I can not tell we now the position of place is where, I believe as long as find out the type of some ancient buildings ground thing.Can guess a concrete place, unfortunately previous that station is to belong to in the future just have of suspend station, we are impossible depend the judge we of position of.
"Eldest brother, you come over quickly, what is seeing this ?"At this time, extremely kill at not the distance suddenly towarded me to yell.
"Discovered what things?"I just turned a head to see toward the position that extremely kills place, didn't immediately walk over there, however the Tyrannosaurus poured to rush toward him past.
"Go.BE not one ground brick.I still think and discover what baby."The Tyrannosaurus after seeing extremely kill the thing said immediately became to disappoint again.
"Useless talk, I certainly know that this am a ground of brick, but you have to notice to these grounds of shapes that the brick establishment gets up.Be nationally like to be different from us the Great Wall?"Extremely kill to Related articles:

