
beats by dre studio hat deicide made tr

Fixing to retreat was two, full of surprise in the vision, "are you how to come out?"
Eradicate completely to looking at him, one not believing of the face, from dungeon establishment, also true no one once comes out, he canned be said as a different number.
The Luo easy vision tooks a look on all sides, tonight's circumstance is a little bit far from good, or gets away earlier better, person's horse eradicating completely hasn't arrived to, he doesn't want to face a flock of martial person wood who has absolute being archer real strenght.
"Do you still want to escape?"The Yu text fixed to discover his purpose very quickly, the orotund Yin coldly said and signaled hint to make moves to several individuals at the same time.
Luo easily hasn't come yet and talk, several five big three thick guyses took weapon to rush toward to come up.
"You still really shameless."Liu Si 's hell- break a soldier in the hand, the air is full of bellicosity, " a group of complete nonsense things?The incredibly thick Yan shameless crazy idea makes a surprise attack me ……"
One bellows that the that horoscope beard middle age being just in-between flicked sword to rush toward up.The sword makes the poison recruit "seven stars connect bead", he wants to use strong fierce sword power, continuous force to offend, stab him 67 swords, sword spirit enter hair in, the sword turns to fly a star and drives straight.A few guys on the side also not is what good thing, the weapon in the hand exerts to receive to his two ribs, although can not result in for him what materiality of injury, can absolutely influence his judgment, this is what they need.
Can Luo is a little bit more easy also not panic, condition like this he not is to have never experienced, the hell in the hand-break a soldier to recruit the hair"turn to fight eight squares" and"a long distance redly", on guarding a to offend, drive he perfectly combined together, in the crisis juncture, the person's potential is always infinite.The knife that is black to receive only one Shan, marvelously the side from the opposite sword light square correspond, diverting of lightning stone fire.Ring out a voice to sharp knife the Rui roar of breaking the breeze, the riot is blunt wrong shadow of human figure concealed now.The pure occurrence that no one sees what affair, is almost one to face to face personally life and death already definitely, have never taken place vigorous hard working to then end.
Sharping knife the Rui of breaking the breeze to whistle is very special, with generally sharp knife to split breeze to contain difference, roar voice have unclear echo should with, really be like cloud the deep place spread for sky of unclearly surprised thunder.But if is careless, then will neglect this unclear difference to blare.
Luo easily feels today's hell-break a soldier unspeakable proficient, the place arrived by true spirit, without obstruction, the dint delivers ten thousand Juns, thrilling sprinkle Li.
Eradicate completely to wait a person silly silly looking at an at present circumstance, who didn't also thought of this guy incredibly 1 faces to face personally, they several should be an experienced person of expel in the lake at the river.
Is blunt quickest, front side of that is the wretched, the half head had no, the arms and legs divides inheritance, the thing lays aside, an a double-edged sword only one left barren sword sum.The side puts to take the offensive of a few guys, isn't that head's breaking is a limb remnants, whole life is to don't think again fight with weapons to move sword!
The Yu text fixed to pour to absorb an one mouthful air conditioner, the ear clearly spread a burst of and inspiratory voice, and everyone was frightenned by the person of this deicide sort.The abnormality of his facial expression pallor, the so high fighting skill isn't to have never seen, can call down high fighting skill, still thus cruel, start don't stay a hand, today sees for the first time.
Luo easily also drive own cruel frighten not and lightly, can incredibly have the pleasant sensation to grow to can not say it in the heart.This pleasant sensation's imitating a Buddha is a hair from the heart, however the attention that didn't arouse him, he knows this means violently killed several individuals, can receive the function of shaking the Zhe very much, can this function can't have much long of time, will arise these people's exasperation right away, he wants before these people resume to come over and leaves right away.
Eradicate completely to still sink to immerse at shocked in, he early did a full estimate to the real strenght of this Luo lord in the island, can still keep estimating shortage.
"Du fortress lord, our gratitude and grudge hereafter at calculate, at under occupy and do, please forgive at under don't keep company with!"Say, don't wait to eradicate completely as well what reaction, the body is one Ning, at first gradually and have no, before facing to walk, still light achievement develop pole to, absolutely can receive the effect of shaking the Zhe, otherwise he can't took superfluous action, either.
Eradicating completely didn't issue instruction, those under the belonging to of Leng Leng who can't silly stretch hand to a deicide, either, that with seek dead don't distinguish.
The Luo easy figure has already coulded not see and eradicates completely to fix this with Yu text to just wide awake and eradicate completely right away call way:"You still don't make track for!"
Those green cloud fortresses belong to under all take own weapon at once, outwardly hurtle to, a little hesitant facial expressions all have no, see Luo easily just displayed of light achievement, they didn't worry to meet that deicide at all, with they of light achievement, is not likely to see that deicide, made track for so to go out, also just do an appearance.
Luo easily soon returned to the dungeon of mountain behind.

The text chapter 17 solid mountain left house(up)
Renew time:2009-10-2017:06:33 chapter word numbers:6382

"Lord in the island!"
Gold Hui several individuals already the top in the dungeon wait well for a long time, they feel time very long, actually have no much long of time.But make Luo easily strange BE, their return after death heel so one big cluster of person, an is out at elbow, the facial expression was in low spirits, full of old grudge to the green cloud fortress of underneath in the vision.
"Don't useless talk, walk quickly,beats by dre studio, the person of green cloud fortress will arrive to right away!"He also has no mood to ask these people is stem what of, think at him come, probably was a gold Hui to develop his good heart, put out the persons in the dungeon all!
Is such in fact, gold Hui they own dungeon after, carried on some kind of dozens to hit to rob to the whole dungeon, every can break of thing, again have no similar can see is complete.The activity that is big like this by all means wants to disturb others.Very at will of, also without extra trouble, gold Hui those bodies are weak, the spirit doesn't flap of the guys all put out, he has no in consideration of, the time leave how walk, they a spirit is hale and hearty, can the other people have no them so lucky.
"Lord in the island, how to do these people?"The gold Hui has a little anxious, he is to put out these people, if now ignore, so their result basically have no where is the difference, still keep still wanting a back again place, also be probably subjected to more ruthlessness persecution.
The gold Huang is wrinkly eyebrows, he early feels an affair isn't too do, if they take these people to set out together, certanly will will influence their activities.
Luo easily looking at at present a vice- pair facial expression desire of look in the eyes, all of them are the enemies of green cloud fortresses, the enemy's enemy, so should be own friend, can he still has no ability to bear so many friends now, they can not have regard for they by themselves and make again so many people, affirmation will increase his/her own burden, much less, they now the sphere of influence of still just green cloud fortress, the green cloud fortress has astonishing absolute being archer, this is an affair that makes people have a headache.Thought of here, he mercilessly stared at gold Hui one eye, this guy will ask for trouble for oneself.
He to the gold Hui and the gold Huang two humalities:"You descend and see and keep the person of green cloud fortress from touching coming up, I some words want to say with these people.
Once the gold Hui listen to the meaning of lord in the island and see to take in these people to have some a hope, didn't also oppose of, joy ha ha of start next go to.The gold Huang is hesitant of saw easy one eye of Luo, mean to say what, can piece open mouth, or sighed tone, heel in the gold Hui of kept on walking after death, the underneath of the green cloud fortress, have already made to turn over a sky now, be no one to thought of dungeon.It is no one to thought of to afraid not, more people all worry and worry that deicide still just, who all don't want to put forward first, see to the dungeon.Eradicate completely is already burned now, Yu text's fixing doesn't know that he wants to do as well what, the disposition of this fortress lord has been being hard to cut and polish.
Luo easily sees gold Hui 2 people walk far, double eyes the cold light is one Shan, those facial expression Wei the guys of the Mi all feel his/her own mind and body one earthquake, at heart of frightened feeling set of have never once had, this person's vision really has the meaning to grow to living to kill to the Duo.The most people are all lowly head, Luo is easily satisfied of ordered to nod, way:"I ignored that gold Hui to say for you what condition, everyone also all saw, Related articles:

