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On moving, frost at heart's quivering voice way:"Being just past is about a poisonous insect!"Beam Xiao a surprised, feels Liu Ying Ying a double arm tightly accept, the body trembles more urgently, and then listens to Xiao frost way:"Elder brother Xiao, this fog is too strange."Beam Xiao way:"How?"Spend Xiao frost way:"I once explored vein, since the vein elephant saw, annoy weak blood slow, should be midday, how still have heavy mist here?"Beam Xiao way:"Deep mountain big valley, the cloud and mist whole year round doesn't spread, also certain."Spend Xiao frost way:"But sunrise fog spreads,is inevitable reason, elder brother Xiao, you ……you see top of head."The beam Xiao is raised head, concealed see sunlight of flicker, but always can not wear deeply fog to annoy, not from surprised way:"This but Be getting more strange!Might it not be have what monster smoke cigarette, would always be not broken up by the sunlight."Liu Ying Ying beat to shudder with cold, Chen strange way:"This is son, you still frighten a person!"Beam Xiao way:"Unless such, that is why?"Spent Xiao frost to want to think, way:"It is said that the spirit of much more southern attributed to miasma is turned by poison wreckage and touches to certainly living plague, difficult don't achieve is this?"
3 people are temporarily suspicious, but forget proper just filth.Sudden, an exotic fragrance is inheritted, 3 people brains Shu ground a pure, the Yao sees appear Huang Cheng Cheng's light regiment in fog and gleams not certain, divide outside Gui strange.Liu Ying Ying suddenly thinks of monster, it says, don't feel the skin of head become numb, miserably track:"Is over, the monster came ……" beam Xiao knits the brows a way:"What monster?"Liu Ying Ying's way:"That ……is not that regiment light eyes of monster?"Xiao frost listens to this words, whole body one earthquake, the maxillary joint doesn't feel make ring.
The beam Xiao feels 2 people an idea of fearing, the heroism is abrupt to living, say with smile:"Is only eye monster?Don't know a this eye pupil long where,Beats by Dre Just Beats?Is an overhead, still bottom up?"Spend Xiao frost to smell speech, at heart a loose, lose a voice to lightly smile, Liu Ying Ying sees him still have fascination fun, really in distress situation, scold a way:"Big stupid material, you also say, the monster heard, how get?"The words sound didn't fall and suddenly listenned to someone Yi a voice,Beats Solo HD, way:"Someone?"The voice,such as Xian, saws a wood, is very deep and low and hoarse.3 people are in a short while immediately speechless, led, the beam Xiao sighed a way:"The in this world has no ghost absolute being, is all person making."Liu Ying Ying is comfortable tone, also feel funny, sticking a face tightly the bosom is at the beam Xiao.
The that regiment yellow light is more and more big, also more and more bright.Beam Xiao the sight is the strongest, see is the white skin lantern that a Ran wears Huang Huo.But listen to a that person cold way:"You can at ten thousand poison compete with each other in survive down, also calculate have a little skill, hum, report around ten thousand sons!"Talk a voice in, the heavy mist is gradually thin to go, scans widely to hope to go, the is the one bush, tall tree three day, the shape is unusual, Gao Zhe Shu Zhang, the short also has seven Chinese feet, the leaf is like goose egg, the white flower of last laden with rim of bowl size, vomit in fine threads dew spirit in the purple pistil.Then the lo tree is next, know to sprinkle for a sky by beam Xiao, courage, also not from gape, poured to take out one mouthful cool spirit, two females are more surprised to call to make a noise.
Sees a tree a bottom vacant land in, the cluster snake raises head, the red letter Fen vomits, snake the brown wave is vacillating, settle Jing to scrutinize, but is one big cluster of Chan Chu, each other is crowded airtight no air goes through, the Gu Gu doesn't already shout;In the strange flower difference grass, spend spot house lizard to form into groups, the east flees the west escape, or place grass, or attach up, the many colors scorpion is everywhere to dash away, dance Ao to put tail, Jia however have a voice, wring with numerous centipedes to kill just strong.Five poisons outside, still have many call the poisonous insect of not famous son, the same kind twists an exhibition foot and often hands over tail, different each other kill brutally, gobble up each other.But 3 people the big tree of place, other places, regardless the treetop tree is next, accompany is that the flesh and blood is in total disorder, venom crosscurrent, horrifying place, make people cant not bear to witness.Liu Ying Ying saw two eyes and then cannot helped but Wu the chest Ou get up, Xiao frost whole body as if Shai bran, the small hand buttons up beam Xiao arm, the nail almost sinks a person meat inside.
At this time, if the treetop white flower has innate intelligence and gradually closes flower petal, from lately become flower bud.Every where the heavy mist imitates a Buddha to flee for life generally and spreads very and quickly.A short while time, the air is clear and bright to is no hindrance, each kind of poisonous insect also lost an idea of fighting and flew a sky to escape ground, and the eight parties roved around.Then in these ten thousand poisons, sign a gammer, the grey hair is whistling, the facial appearance is strange ugly, suddenly and violently Chi hawk-nosed, the eyebrow is a to also have no, an eyes son deeply sinks Quan up, naked and brightly shining, fearsome.She body week ten Zhangs have invisible wall Zhang, the poisonous insect walks to avoid in succession, such as river river reposition of redundant personnel.That old Qu body place ten thousand poisons in, glance left and right, proud dignity, imitate Buddha He He emperor king, inspect troops, only, the emperor what king commanded is must troops and horses, but what she command is just numerous poisonous insects.
Beam Xiao the vegetable come to brave pack sky, but 100 uncanny at the moment, really great surprised, the momentary is where also a psyche to lose all, forgot a body.But see that gammer becoming overdo and examining three humalities:"Are you to live a person?"The beam Xiao hears noise surprised Wu, but feels the body cold sweat sprinkle Li, body side two females lean against their himself/herselfs and have been all over falsely soft, the heart knows 2 people to frighten not and lightly, unless oneself regard as depend on, in every possible way trust, only afraid have already fainted, not from Cun way:"This old woman's being a mountain Xiao is good, Malicious ghost let it be, I can not peep out first the least bit a Qie idea."At that moment suppress at heart to frighten, say with smile:"Have you ever seen the dead person that will talk?"The gammer conjectures him some kind of, way:"Usually the person enters this wood's son, always have dead don't live!Hum!Roll down!"The beam Xiao Cun way:"See her words and actions bearing, seem to be not is what monster, but she says into that this wood's son's hasing dead don't live, difficult don't become us to once hide these poisonous insects, does she then want to take my three human nature liveses?"Is unable to decide to ask, the old Qu doesn't bear a way:"You are deaf don't become?The old body makes you come down."The beam Xiao heart way:"Do I maneuver world and how could cringe from fear in a wife's sub- in front?"Right away embrace two females, float body downfall, but afraid old dig to take advantage of an opportunity a sneak attack, fall to the ground a moment, have drafted 78 empresses in the heart, needs gammer to have a little bit a changes, then with the power of the lightning lightning flash, die she in on the spot.
Who anticipate old Qu an on every occasion, the cool detachment lo wears 3 people, again way:"You how once avoided ten thousand poisons does it contend for?"The beam Xiao listens to her again and again inquire this matter, don't feel strange as well:"Just the poisonous insect dances indiscriminately, sky underground omnipresent, why we body place treetop, but ability safe and sound ……" really deliberates not and deeply, but when there is ghost in his heart, the gammer doesn't dare to talk clearly, the Nu hums a , in the eye be fierce to only and more very, momentarily stop on Xiao frost face, double eyes abrupt piece, peep out a Ya color.
The beam Xiao sees she stare at Xiao frost, the heart livings a vigilance and think of she drives out ten thousand poisons of ability, don't dare to wait for a long time, the arch hand says with smile:"The younger generation is 3, adopt a medicine of carelessly the mistake go into an expensive territory, get Zhu elder generation magical power, the range of experience greatly opens.Fog spread a matter and now took leave at present!"The gammer vision still falls on Xiao frost face, Wu a , Han head way:"So that's why!"The tone compares it first, slowly many soft, the finger spends Xiao frost, way:"You have to walk can.This little girl's son but must leave!"3 people together and together one Zheng, beam Xiao way:"The elder generation jokes!"The old Qu is cold to hum a , way:"Who joke with you?The body of this little girl's son nine yinses, the once in a lifetime, woulds be to appear, also extremely difficult live to this age.Hum, unless is her, you can also stand at this place, talk with old body?"Spend Xiao frost be hit the nail on the head oneself secret disease by her, even surprised, see suddenly once the gammer handle knob recruit and sink a track:"Little girl's son also don't come over?"Spend Xiao frost is greatly a Tan Te, hope beam Xiao,Beats Detox, hard put is good, the beam Xiao is one Shen, suddenly on kissing Xiu, the cachinnation is a , treats public hear noise to apprehensive, suddenly pulls out, brush past four Zhangs, it is apart from and soar to the skies to rush toward toward the gammer bottom.
This rushes toward Yuan if lightning stone fire, explore an of hand, have already grasped old Qu noodles door.Liu Ying Ying knows badly and takes off to call a way:"Good ……" words didn't finish saying, seeing suddenly the beam Xiao claw power was one Ning, stopped before being old and digging a larynx inch, then touch impregnable fortress, difficult enter a very small amount.The gammer is cold to see beam of Xiao, sink to hum a , the beam Xiao echoes one earthquake, suddenly lost to prop up, soft on the ground, the noodles muscle doesn't already have muscular spasms.Liu Ying Ying frighteneds and makes to recruit "snow full Yan mountain", the double Zhang Ning emphasizes a heavy cold strength and flows out to the gammer.Be at this time, the nose smells one silk light aroma, if have if have no, Liu Ying Ying then feels all over the body the physical strength is one Xie, immediately soft pour, an acute pain upsurges from the lung department, beginning just the point of a needle is a little bit bigger, Shu suddenly, become cup size, good the fire build a fire Liao generally;She just wanted control breath resist, center of the chest again livinged acute pain, flurried concentrated heart vein;Didn't expect the mind square moves, the left waist place livings pain-suffering again, the acute pain didn't cut off, and the knife mows Related articles:

