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Lead, make the newly arrived town mayor suffer loss with the way of breaking the food, this recruited a root to have no call to now, the other party completely saw not and up the food here.
His plan in in addition to break a food still have already broken water, however the old man didn't intend to use as well at the moment.He really doubts this boy to even see water here not up, think even water is also Lu Pu in the capital city Nai Er of more pure and sweeter.
The dancing party hasn't started and about has been already ended.
Before and behind elder brother Bu need half for hour, then disappointment but go.The leading role of dancing party walked, is an accompanying guest be pulled of the nature of those people also take leave in succession, these people are full of to disappointedly leave, but disappoint most nothing is besimilarly tter than to fill at the Si guest at the moment a .
After persons all walk light, the small Si guest fills to walk to the old man to after death comfort a way:"Father, in fact you can see open some, although our stratagems all ended up in nothing,our stratagems also make the person here don't have one silk good will to that boy."
The old man wanted to think and ordered to nod.Be like them thus of decline nobility, hate bitterly the most irksome most is the person who despises them, their somebody else like this, in addition to being aristocratic blood relationship and dignity, no longer leave what things.
"Still need to seek Mo Mu?"The small Si guest fills to ask a way.
The old man in poor fettlely says:"Is there still this necessity?If make Mo Mu Kan to that handle wear sword, he absolutely doesn't even dare fart to put."
"Probably I can seek'those people'?"The small Si guest fills an allusion way.
"Do you want to bring calamity?"The old Si guest fills a Nu way:"You haven't seen out, that boy comes here to be a town mayor, the whole affair cuts off remarkable, we hide all too late!"
The old man rises to get red in the face:"Say that an escort knight dies here again, you didn't think later on a fruit?Those people killed people can a walk it, we walk?Is much less, can you promise those people to betray us?"
Si guest's filling when one is anxious and fearful elder brother Bu's in the mind is same seven ascend eight times, he completely is according to plan do, however he doesn't dare to affirm to do like this at all whether will be contrary to expectation.So on returning to travel a store, he immediately calls those two staffs come over.
"Our meeting can't do Be getting more intemperate?The person here to I today of there is some vexations in the performance."Bu Ge says and chases the affair of occurrence of dancing party, Zi cautiously and thinly said 1 time, he only and perhaps had where does amiss.
Two staffs originally think what accident, they at the beginning and most worry of is someone to recognize those young ladies, didn't thought of to urgently and in a hurry seek them, incredibly because of this reason.
Ai virtuous old man always silent few speech, so still Kai Si the staff explanation way:"Is angry how again?You think to have peace of mind a person who need to be in this kind of place and really have what dignity?Those household in truely have the person of life ambition, affirmation early leaves a small town, or seeks a public position, or nearby works at a certain somebody, all far compare here do nothing to want much better.
"Staying at the person here is all some weak in character useless guys, you think that you hurt their dignities, in fact you are getting wronger, they are subjected to harmful Be just vainglory.Think greatly of vain man, equally will also for the sake of vainglory but lower the head, on this kind of affair, we absolutely have experience than you."
The words of Kai Si make elder brother Bu take something with a grain of salt, however is end he still kept choosing to believe, these heel in the Ba tile virtuous Wei count nearby of old man, to human nature of confidence, absolutely compare oneself, this completely inexperienced in society boy to want strong get many.
However still have one silk worry in his heart:"Probably the big part of the person here are all like you say of so, but in case of really have among them 12 have backbone very much?"
"Even if there is different like this, even even if ten people in have a , how again?We as long as the confidence lives moreover nine people are all right.You think that oneself can out and out control my all people?This dream that absolutely was each place of honor to once have, regrettable no one can truely attain.
"As long as 1/3 people approve you, you can stand firm a heel;If the person, who be more than one half super, supports you, you want to do what all can;If the person to exceed 80% stands at you and so congratulates you, everythings all have already controled in your hand.If than this higher of words, you were sage and virtuous man or great man."The Kai Si says, he seems and is playing trick, however cautiously want to come, also really such.

Chapter 3 cheats Shu

A pair rounds wagon drags along Ye in high head Malaysia in a silver gray under, supplely at mountain way on speed.
Elder brother Bu likes the felling of this kind of incitement very much, this wagon of his car wheel compares common wagon greatly get many, so the stumbling block and the gutters of basically not concerned road, carriage again narrow, as long as horse can past place, the wagon equally can also pass by.
Although Be different from to ride a horse so, meet one person high of bush or several overhanging cliffs of rice breadths, can also on jumping but leading, the great majority ride the place that the horse can go, this wagons can arrive, and compare ride Ma Yao much comfortable.
He isn't a single to walk alone, give Er is riding a horse to follow behind.
Although have never met bandit, however elder brother Bu believes the virtuous Lu of Anne can't talk nonsense.There is really bandit in small town neighborhood, so he arrives where will take to up give Er as bodyguard.
The body muscle that gives Er be not false, before while making a circuit of play regiment, the role like ground ruffian's rascal was mostly beaten by him deliver walk of, this guy a person can deal with 56 rascals.After became a nominal knight attendant, he has been strongly practicing a sword skill.
Everybody who makes a circuit of play regiment has his/her own ideal, giving the ideal of Er is to become a military officer, now the inside of all people, he leaves his own ideal recent.
Go all the way, two people always while looking in all directions, but point a point.
"How is that place?"Give the one gulf that the Er points at distance.
Elder brother Bu saw one eye and shook to shake head.If he want to seek a cake of suit construct the land of house, the environment on all sides has to be beautiful, had to match to boast to once say that day, the place has to be enough big and also want enough safety.
He has never intended on that hillside and builds house and native son to live together, he and he nearby of the person really had too many secrets, so leave other persons more far more good.
"The geography is too low there, the sea water will surge forward."Elder brother Bu freely negated the suggestion of giving the Er.
"How may?Water can not rise so high."Giving Er is a bit opinionated, he likes the landscape of that gulf very much.
"Cautiously only think, those live at the household here from generation to generation why want to construct house on the hillside, this not is have no reason."Elder brother Bu says:"Quickly leave, arrive the front sees, by noon, we have to arrive that fortress."
Two people not is make a special trip for seeking the land that a cake of builds a house since then, a few days ago put even the Si guest fill old man and want to deal with another trouble today-station the barracks in the neighborhood of small town.
Those two staff the definite skill is uncommon, so short time they have already touched the circumstance of barracks clear.Even still have to be detailed than the data of the airtight Zhen place.
BE being like they at the beginning guess of so, be stationed is also the unlucky egg that doesn't enjoy success at the person here.Is one to call for the head Mo Mu's military officer, drive throw here already decade, two year agos once applied for to adjust to leave, but the response of top is to advance to he one etc. sergeant.Even elder brother Bu also sees,beats by dre cheap, this kind of promotes just a kind of consolation.
According to two guesses of the staffs, this Mo Mu captain of so be subjected to coldness, is because top of the person know his participation smuggle.The person in the fortress joins the army an officer to the soldier and all participates in a smuggle, and is a direct smuggle, they even have one belonging to their own ship.
This is totally different from the way of doing of Ba tile virtuous Wei count, the count just procures those goods for smuggling and not and directly participates in this kind of illegal affair.What he earning is a smuggled goods to get into a market the price difference after, not the goods get into the price difference of method gram from the overseas.
The town arrived fortress to contain or so seven kilometerses since the childhood, hill path very not walk, two people again be not of one heart and mind walked faster, so very short seven kilometer roads, use two hours just finish walking.
The fortress constructs the part that bulges in the gulf, is a several meters high one edge here, tightly is signed by the this place wall of ocean steep, is to naturally protect a wall, only a path for winding around is from the behind Related articles:

