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Have no, so the "Delaware" became the war row that the first war sinks in this naval battle warship, and 52 fleets also became six battle fleets of taking part in this naval battle in, first fleet that is annihilated thoroughly.
Just, the situation didn't can talk with any optimism.
31 fleets have been already collapsed, "Zhejiang" and"Fukien" war sinks just+.And"Hebei" and"Guangxi" can insist how long, not only the white bless a Bin in the mind have no bottom, Zheng En Bo's in the mind also have no bottom.
With 12 fleets can attain of the speed calculation of 27 sections, 31 fleets still need to insist for 80 minutes at least.
For only have two Zheng En Bo of war row warships to say, is facing six war row warships of the other party, and"Hebei" and"Guangxi"s all encountered serious wound, speed can not under more than 30 sections circumstances, can Zheng En Bo insist for 80 minutes?
The time in 11:45, the white blesses Bin and receives the war bulletin that Zheng En Bo delivers.
"Zhejiang" after being in the clout in a row by enemy's warship, already start next sink, but two war row warships of 51 fleets have already caught up"Hebei" and"Guangxi", 31 fleets can not withdraw combat at all under the sistuation that didn't cover with support, even can not keep farther belligerence distance with enemy.
But at this time, 12 fleet distances 31 fleets still have at least 35 nautical miles!
Urgently dided not also use again urgently!
For the sake of quickly rush through in the past, the white blessed
The most direct flight path:Once wore the American solider's ground in the anchor man lake.
This is the one step insurance chess, because who don't know as well the small scaled vessel that have how much American solider hides between those large warship ships and prepare to assault to be strong line of cross of 12 fleets.
This is also the way with no way,beats by dre cheap, after all and 31 fleets can not lose war, at least not ability at 12 fleets arrive before lose war.
Result, 12 fleets didn't encounter the sneak attack of American solider small scaled vessel.
Obviously, American solider already be able to small scaled vessels adjusting to gather all adjusted to deal with 31 fleets, but stayed around the large warship ship of ground in the anchor man lake at first, the Yao is sunk by the shot, the Yao is destroyed, and the Yao leaves ground in the anchor man lake.Plus the white blessed Bin to eject four mix to organize into teams especially fore the noodles opens a new road, so all the way and not only didn't meet presentable holdout, on the contrary Jian a bowels is proper.
Lie on the float type"Arizona" war row within dockyard a warship!
Discover this battleship first, or say to discover that float type dockyard is front the especially mixing of is a cruiser of organizing into teams the inside.The government troops of cruiser basically dared not believed, unexpectedly had an American solider's war row warship to carry on to maintain in ground in the anchor man lake, and still lay in the dockyard and there was basically no war power at that time.
The time that receives this news, white's blessing Bin is also really surprise.
Although previously, he has already received the report of 31 fleets and knows 51 fleets to only have three war row warships, not 4.From here, the white blessed Bin to thought of at previous of in the naval battle, once had the war row of an American solider the warship encountered 12 fleets of bombardment, and encountered serious wound.But white's blessing Bin have been thinking, the American solider who suffers war row the warship should return Pearl Harbor, or the port of the United States west coast carries on maintaining, but isn't likely to stay in ground in the anchor man lake.
Cheapness of coming to hand, there is no the truth of Jian not.
Float type dockyard of from sail ability not strong, and have no self-defense weapon, don't say to face strongly and 12 fleets, even if face a destroyer, also can be helpless.
12:00 lead eight cent, mixed the destroyer of organizing into teams the inside to attackstone dockyard with the torpedo especially.
Just, the effect combine ignore to think, is greatly very mainly the storage buoyancy of float type dockyard, very not easy be sunk by the shot.
After two minutes, organized into teams the cruiser of inside to join to come in, later on outside more than 8,000 rices 121 main forces organize into teams inside of four war row warships also joined combat.
This bottom, only used in less than ten minutes,Beats By Dre In Ear, float type dockyard, and the "Arizona" war row the warship doomed.
Obviously, the "Arizona" is also final outcome's most pathetic war row warship in this naval battle.From start into eventually, the warship's one cannon didn't deliver, under the circumstance that have never done to serve as what resist together with provided the dockyard of maintaining service to together sink into ocean for it.Water that sinks a ship waters deeply doesn't arrive 100 meters, so captured a tile beard island at the navy of empire to, after controling Hawaiian islands, even wanted to salvage "Arizona".Just because the engineering measures too huge, and the battleship salvaging need to be spent then and can repair for two years at least, but two years the empire navy basically doesn't need the war row that this United States constructs after warship, so end as to it's carried on to investigate, had never launched to salvage a work.
Time to 12:30, 12 fleets have already worn ground in the anchor man lake, distance 31 fleets didn't arrive 20 nautical miles.
31 fleets still and just and westward sail, so at 12:35 of+:Bin directly contact Zheng En Bo, request 31 fleets to turn into to sail to the south quickly, so and 12 brigades just can provide a gunfire support for it quickly.But the white bless Bin to receive of reply BE:31 fleets have already lost with 12 fleets assemble of ability.
On the time in 12:17, "Guangxi" for covering the flagship"Hebei", have already been in the middle of fighting sunk by the shot,Beats by Dre BMW.
Result, the "Guangxi" became 31 fleet wars sink of the first war row warship.
Time to 12:25, the sail of "Hebei" soon has already been as low as 22 sections, and still is continuing to lower.The American solider's two fleets have already shortenned the belligerence distance to 18,000 meters!
After receiving white and blessing the telegram of Bin, Zheng En Bo left "Hebei".
Who all know, "Hebei" can not insist how long, ignore 12 fleets can arrive to in time, this battleship under the laying siege to of enemy that encountered several in F, by all means the war sinks.
Certainly, 31 fleets didn't therefore give up holdout.
The "Guangxi" inflicted a heavy losses on "Fu Ji the Ni is second" number before the war sinks, the "Hebei" also inflicted a heavy losses on "Rhode Island" in the artillery duel.Later on, the "Hebei" also shot the "North Carolina" of 53 fleets, and let the flagship of 53 fleets under the circumstance that only left A cannon tower lost fleet conductor ability.
Can say, even if in the final reckoning, the government troopses of 31 fleets all expressed emperor**the person's tallest character.
Sacrificing isn't terrible, if sacrificing is of great value, can change to the victory of end for fleet, that has no more terrible of.
At 12:43, C cannon tower powder magazine of "Hebei" is shot.
Exploding output fireball to rise to thousand meters is high empty, even if and far the "Taiwan" outside more than 30,000 rices war the government troopses on the row warship can see that flame in regiment orange red.
After two minutes, 12-1 main forces organize into teams of the prologue of drawing back the end decisive battle of together shooting of four war row warshipses.(The not yet finished treats continuously and knows that how funeral affairs is such as the desire, please land www**m, the chapter is more, support author, support original reading!)

Text the 13th sea decisive battle chapter 43 finally dead war( midnight)
Renew time:2009-9-1311:28:26 chapter word numbers:3896

The shot is very violent, but not and suddenly.
Before 12 fleets arrive, American solider 53 warships[:fleet, and judge its identity.
Just, 53 fleets didn't be eager to transfering gunfire.
This phenomenon is very strange, can say, at that time was placed in 31 fleets with of 12 brigades of 5 fleets were subjected to of the threat is the biggest, no matter how it is, the Wei benefit Si•Lee should immediately transfer thermodynamic power, with 12 fleet belligerence, but deals with the combat of "Hebei" to hand over to admire Er west conductor of 51 fleets.
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