
Artist Series n a hall of sit in t

Looking at after Su square finish saying then walked, river, Ling Tian, shook to shake head, also quickly heel go up.
Return to a Su shop, already just about Xu, the outside has already been blockaded by the person of martial Peng and stops to open today, as for those a few gastronomes who see Su visiting to fly a river to depart from this life with bear be all warned by the Wu Peng Pai person some kind of, naturally not dare to spread indiscriminately, the person of martial Peng also not dare.
Those government troopses see the Su square come back, favour the Gong body give way, they but once saw Wu Peng square the attitude to Su, from the officers of four articles all to Su square so polite, Su square of identity nature naturally.
Discover a big hall inside after going in only have small two with several run a hall of sit in the hall, the lights is bright, sees the Su square come in and all flurried stood, they know that the Su square are also an officer, but doesn't know Su square to is what officer.
The wreath attends to on all sides, the Su square is small to that two recruited to beckon with the hand, small two Lengs Leng, in fearly walked to come over, is about to kneel down, but be pulled by the Su square.
The Su square clapped to clap his shoulder and said with smile:
"Do not be nervous, I am to ask your river where can?"
"Return …… adult, river …… river can he drive Zhang …… the shopkeeper advance to take care of of, now …… now just at behind building in ……"
"~That line of, you call him to come over!"
Is small two in fearly ordered to nod, return a 'BE'after, favour backward the noodles run.
Then see small not and in a short while two and river the running of panic nervous piece return to big hall, the river traverses a sky and that several runs a hall of also curiously looking at in the part, don't know what the Su square wants to do.
The river can see a Su square, the interrogative way of Leng Leng:"How to is you?"
Words just on exporting, just remembered that again small two just said with him to is a big officer to seek him, not from frighten leg a soft, the favour knelt down a way:
"Is small …… the person is stupid, also please …… please, ask adult to forgive offense ……"
The Su square pulled him and said:
"Be free, let you see a thing!"
Say, Su's convenience stretched in the past, impressively had a ring on the middle finger, the top was exactly the tiny vulture of Cui mountain together,Artist Series, the direct descendant sonses all had in each clan a , as for the differentiation of identity would was a tiny vulture on the piece of mountain peak, Su traverses more as a lord, on the ring together the tiny vulture of the Cui mountain is naturally nine mountain peaks, but become intimate with most of such as Su traverse more of brothers, madam, there is also household elder, is all eight mountain peaks, but Su square, would be seven mountain peaks.
But river can is to don't understand, interrogative of took a look a ring, and then took a look a Su square, doing not know Su the square is what mean.
The Su square smiled to smile, for this river can, he pretty appreciated at that time, so also patience explanation way:
"This is together the Cui bird's nest fern direct descendant sons special ring in house, is also the certificate that mutually recognizes, but I, would be a three current young master of Su's house Su square, Su's household long Su's traversing is more exactly my father, can you understand this meaning?"
The words that hear a Su square aren't only river can, even those waiters in the store also ate a surprised, they are the waiters of Su shops, come in of time be instilled the concept of being loyal to Su's house, therefore the impression is still very deep.
But river can but is remembered that day a Su square to allow him to call shopkeeper scene, said a bearer call Su square after, the shopkeeper then and in a hurry came over, the expression is polite abnormality, still made the river strange at that time a burst of.
"No wonder that ……" river can heart in foolish foolishly think a way.
Knew in front now this is Su's three young masters inside the household, those waiters also all flurried ran to come over, with river can Gong body way:
"Once saw three young masters!"
Su what square was satisfied with ordered to nod, saw several people's one eye and said:
"Su visited to die you all knew, the Su shop could not lack a person to take care of now, river can behind then and temporary generation shopkeeper, go, you should all why and why go, the river can occupy to seek me, I these two days still just Su shop, the day after tomorrow then walk!"
In the Su shop now, Su what square knew also river can, and then felt two months ago he is naturally quite good, also getting aller right now, so also let he temporary generation shopkeeper, waited to go home again see inside the clan how to say, after all three rivers the city is a big city, here of the Su shop is also very important.
Su square's order makes the river stunned speechless, he has never thought, oneself unexpectedly in more than two months inside, connect to rise several, from formerly a very small store is small two, unexpectedly became shopkeeper now, and was whole greatly and together emperor dynasty influence's biggest Su's house's shopkeeper in three river cities,cheap dr dre beats, let young of he feel like dream in, a bit unimaginable.
Think the day that wandered about everywhere before, the river can then feel the life in nowadays really is too like, really need to turn over a body?
The Su square put to put a hand and then went backward.
River, Ling Tian, tooks a look a river can one eye, feeling this young man Han pouring of Han is pretty interesting, not from clapped to clap his shoulder, say with smile:
"Like stem!"
Finish saying, also heel at after death, the Su square goes backward.
Just river can of attention all on Su square, don't see river, Ling Tian, , river, Ling Tian, suddenly appears at the river now can in front, the river can just discover river, Ling Tian,'s existence.
But river can after seeing river, Ling Tian,'s face, sudden Leng one Leng, unexpectedly foolish lived a while, one face of hard believe, the figure that looking at river, Ling Tian, is some to be getting more silly.
Leng along while, at river, Ling Tian, soon back door of time, the river can be not shouted a way by quivering voice:
"Huge jade bead!"
Hear the moment of river, Ling Tian, that this shout, just wanted to go out stunned speechless, foolish sign at there, the body is very in a short while stiff, settled, again just unsteadily once turned round, seemed to be old a while many, see toward the river can of eyes, also many a silk confuse, also have in fine threads of ……concussion ……

Volume 2 breaks any chapter 171 to mutually recognize
Renew time:2009-11-1713:48:23 chapter word numbers:2961

The first arrives more today, the second is all larger many at 10:00 p.m.
River can the Zheng Zheng looking at river, Ling Tian, and sadly smiled to smile, breathed cry, nearby a few waiters saw a river to all not know so is what is the row, they got along with for several years together, the relations are all quite good, not from all come forward to advise Wei.
Seeing the river can cry, the river traverses a sky again just moved to move, slowly walking to the river can nearby tightly catch a river can of shoulder, nervous way:
"You ……just said of ……huge jade bead, she ……what person is she you?"
River can term river, Ling Tian, grasp shoulder, foolish foolishly looking at river, Ling Tian, of that some old facial expressions, cry to shout a way:
"She is my Niang ……she is my Niang!!!"
The river traverses one in the sky surprised shout, the body form is one earthquake, one face incredible facial expression, foolish foolishly looking at a river can, a words shivering all could not said it.
The half rings, river, Ling Tian, shivers to begin, fondling the river can of face, lightly of wiped off tears for him, the concussion asks a way:
"You, you are really my can son?"
The river can be suddenly a burst of to nod and hug river, Ling Tian,'s arm, quivering voice way:
"Dad …… I am really your can son, I really am can son …… we lived on seven star towns in those early years, you, also had me the Niang, we were three to where live so happily,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, but I 8-year-old that night …… I still remembered the nursery rhyme that you taught me at that time ……"
Hear seven star towns, hear the night that the river can say, the river traverses for a sky, a fierce tremor Li of body, excited way:
"Kid ……how to sing nursery rhyme of?"
See river, Ling Tian, so excited, river can also not from Be crying and huming a way:
"3 ……the SAMSUNG spend ……red leaf's grass, who come to pick who throw away, we 2 go up, no longer hope now the son arrives, the dad sit above, the mother is in the outside, I beat two pots of oil and beat oil to Related articles:

